At the bottom of this page... don't ask why it's here... there is a box where you can leave a comment. I would luv it if you left me one! =D 

Awwww... How romantic... 

I love the picture, but you have to say... Bella's Lullaby in the movie sucked. I mean where did the orchestra come from? 

Lunch Time for the vampires. 

Just one of those random pictures :P 

#1 of 3 of the Collectors covers. (I have this one!)

I found this pretty darn funny! :D 

He's looking more and more like a perfect Jacob everyday. 

That would be a dream come true... 

How come Bella gets all the guys!  

...The Girls...

Alice looks so perfect in this picture. Maybe a little bit more bubbly... 

Oh my goodness! I just love him! 

 Yeah, Yeah! The movie wasn't the best, but you have to say... the baseball scene was awesome!

 I absolutely love Alice in this picture. I wish I could make it bigger without it becoming blurry.

I am totally "Betting on Alice"! 

I just liked how this picture was in black and white. If it was in color it probably wouldn't have caught my eye...  

He is SO cute! Don't you agree? 

I love how they stand in a triangle! It makes them look so much more scary! He He! 

Nice six pack, right? Or is that an eight pack?... :) 

This is my favorite picture out of them all. I just love it! 

Bella looks so innocent. Ha Ha! I love how Edward looks all protective of her, though. :) 

Anything Jacob says is awesome! I mean really... he's just awesome all together. :P 

By the way, I'm Team Jacob all the way, baby!

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